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 We are starting from the West African country of Guinea. The national income per capita is only 550 dollars. Let's say that the per capita national income in our country is 11 thousand dollars. Until 1958, a French colony in Guinea has very rich gold and diamond deposits. But to direct it to the country's economy and people. In a country with a population of 11 million, hunger, epidemics and inadequate health services are under 60 years of age.  Ethiopia, located in the east of Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. It is also one of the most crowded countries in the world with a population of 88 million. National income per capita is only 500 dollars. Let's also say that in the United States, the mileage per capita is $ 53,000 for comparison. People in Ethiopia die the most from epidemics. No health services are going to be tried. Malnutrition is also one of the major problems. After 2000 years, some struggles can still survive with the help of